Level 3 Safeguarding for Managers

Course Type: Face to face (inc. video options)
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This course is designed to support Managers who are in a role to give advice and direction to staff. Each decision must be made with the best knowledge of safeguarding yourself and your staff. This course is Level 3 Accredited.

This course will give you the following;

  • An understanding of how to provide staff within the workplace the information and support with making decisions around safeguarding adults’ concerns.
  • Ensure information is shared appropriately and all relevant partners are involved
  • Demonstrate skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the safeguarding process
  • Have an awareness and understanding of how to apply a range of legislation, local and national policies, and procedure frameworks within the work environment
  • Know how to maintain accurate and complete records and achieve the best evidence
  • Demonstrate appropriate responses to adult safeguarding concerns
  • Manage to safeguard adults’ concerns and enquiries

This one-day course can be booked in-house at our specialist learning area in Wakefield.

Enquire Online

Many of our courses can be delivered online, in person at Curve HQ or at your premises. Get in touch below to find out more.

Alternatively, visit the Upcoming Course Dates at Curve HQ section to book now.

Upcoming Course Dates at Curve HQ:

Curve Learning offers Level 3 and Train the Trainer open courses each month either at our Wakefield office or by video. Below are the upcoming dates for this course.

August 19
Level 3 Safeguarding for Managers (Video)
Book Now
May 13
Level 3 Safeguarding for Managers (Video)
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