
What are the benefits of e-learning?
Date posted: 27/01/2023

The importance of training in this fast-paced and revolutionising world that we live in is critical, ensuring staff members are up to date with the latest laws and procedures are being kept up with. The world of learning has changed; we have seen a rise in online classrooms and courses online over the past few years as people were forced to stay home.

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E-Learning Is The New Way To Train Your Staff
Date posted: 27/01/2023

Since the COVID-19 pandemic especially, the use of technology has been ever-increasing. After all, we’ve had to learn to adapt! With this change has come the rise of e-learning: a new, efficient way to train your staff without having to move from your office (or bed if you’re WFH - we won’t judge!).

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How Face-To-Face & E-Learning Can Work Together
Date posted: 29/11/2022

If we asked you to think about employee training, what would you immediately think of? For some of us, our first thought will be e-learning. For others, it’ll be face-to-face training.

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