When you have an individual in your care, you may come across someone who may lack the capacity to make a decision; understanding the legalities of assisting someone in making life-affecting decisions is critical. This course gives you a fuller picture of the legalities of The Mental Capacity Act and how it affects those who lack capacity.
The Mental Capacity Act is designed to protect a person’s rights when they are incapacitated to look after themselves. As you are in a caring role, you need to know what the Mental Capacity Act states, how it is upheld and how it supports those to whom it applies. This course will give you the knowledge and confidence to understand this.
During the session, you’ll cover the following:
This half-day course comprises an engaging mix of activities. After taking the course, you’ll be asked to complete a simple multiple-choice assessment. You will be given a certificate to acknowledge the passing of the course.
Many of our courses can be delivered online, in person at Curve HQ or at your premises. Get in touch below to find out more.
Alternatively, visit the Upcoming Course Dates at Curve HQ section to book now.