Level 2 Health and Safety

Course Types: eLearning, Face to face (inc. video options), Train the Trainer (inc. video options)
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Assessing risk in the workplace is crucial for the welfare of everyone in the environment. UK Law has specific requirements that companies and their employees must meet. You must understand how to spot Health and Safety risks that could impact anyone in the workplace. Knowing how to spot and assess risks correctly is key to preventing incidents in the workplace.

In this course, you will learn;

  • An introduction to current Health and Safety UK law
  • The most common types of accidents that occur in the workplace and how to prevent them
  • Safe handling of electrical equipment and appliances
  • COSHH – how to handle hazardous substances
  • How to prevent infections
  • Fire Safety
  • How to assess risk in the workplace – the duties of everyone on the team
  • Discuss personal safety and security as well as dealing with violence and aggression at work
  • Understand how to recognise and manage work-related stress

This course is available as a half or full-day course. It comprises a mixture of engaging activities. Once the course is completed, you will be asked to complete a simple multiple-choice assessment. You will be given a certificate to acknowledge the passing of the course.

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Many of our courses can be delivered online, in person at Curve HQ or at your premises. Get in touch below to find out more.

Alternatively, visit the Upcoming Course Dates at Curve HQ section to book now.

Upcoming Course Dates at Curve HQ:

October 15
Level 3 Health and Safety – Train The Trainer (Video) 3.5
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March 12
Level 3 Health and Safety – Train The Trainer (Video) 3.5
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