But what exactly is e-learning? And why are so many employers making the switch from face-to-face training? We’ll discuss these and more.
What Is E-Learning?
Put simply, e-learning is the process of learning something digitally, usually online, rather than in-person or with lots of physical materials.
Sounds simple right? That’s because it is!
What Can You Learn On An E-Learning Course?
You can pretty much learn anything you’d like on an e-learning course! Gone are the days of spending all day in a stuffy conference room learning about something slightly relevant to your job!
Now that’s not to say all face-to-face courses are bad! In fact, they can be incredibly useful in the right circumstances and can even support e-learning!
E-Learning, however, opens up quite literally a multitude of possibilities, giving you access to a huge variety of courses specific to exactly what you’re looking to learn.
Benefits Of An E-Learning Course
Saves Time And Money
Think about it.
If your employees are having to take time out of their day to travel to a course, this may not be the most efficient use of everyone’s time or money!
With an e-learning course, you can learn in between meetings or tasks, so you can seamlessly incorporate training into your work day.
Suitable For A Range Of Learners
One of the main advantages of an e-learning course is that it’s suitable for a range of learners.
Gone are the days of simply having to accept defeat and move on when you’ve missed what a lecturer or trainer has said. With e-learning courses, you can repeat bits you don’t understand or want to hear again as many times as you want!
Can Be Accessed Anytime
Linking to our previous point, if the thought of getting up for a 8am training session makes you want to crawl back to bed and hide, you’re not alone! Whether you’re a nightowl, an early bird, or work best in small chunks throughout the day, e-learning courses can accommodate this!
It’s Eco-Friendly
With the rise in many of us becoming more conscious of the environment and our impact, e-learning courses are a great way of enabling businesses to become more eco-friendly.
Unlike face-to-face courses, e-learning courses vastly reduce the amount of paper used, as well as carbon emissions from employees travelling to a venue.
If you’d like to find out more about our e-learning courses, contact us today to speak with the team!